My granddaughters came through for me, though. They recorded the vocals for "The Frog Prince" children's musical. Somehow we figured out Garage Band enough that the vocals turned out. I even figured out the processes well enough that I could tune a single note that they got wrong in one of the harmony parts after they left. (I'm actually pretty proud of myself for that.) Little by little I am learning Garage Band. These recordings are now up on my webpage Songs from The Frog Prince.
This show has five original songs: "On a Once Upon a Time" sung by the Lords and Ladies to explain the setting of the story, "A Party for a Princess" sung by the little Princesses once they get their invitations, "To Be a Princess" sung by the Queen and Princess about how she should act at her party, "Knights in Motion" sung by the Knights as they do their swordplay routine, and "A Promise Is a Promise after All" sung by the Frog Prince and Company.
There are also other pieces of music for dances and incidentals, 23 individual bits of music in all. I always wonder at this point if I have included enough songs. And then I work on the schedule and wonder if I have included too much music and if we can learn it all in two weeks. Perhaps five songs with their reprises are enough after all.
Well, I guess it's on to finishing up the paperwork, organizing a schedule, looking over the costumes and props, gathering items to make the scenery, and getting my house ready for Monday. Some list...
Better get to work!