And yet, they will still need recordings to help them learn the songs quickly as they travel cross-country for the next few days. That doesn't let me out of doing the initial recordings. (sigh!)
Yesterday, I spent most of the day trying to figure out how to record straight onto Garage Band on my Mac computer. Over the years I have relied on my BR-1180 all-in-one digital recording studio. That worked so well for my needs and still would if it wasn't so old that it doesn't communicate easily with the computer even through a DAW. It would even give the recordings a professional polish using the Mastering Tool Kit. Trouble is that the BR-1180 won't import tracks directly from the computer. So I am left wondering about how to use the already recorded accompaniment tracks...
Back to trying to figure out Garage Band. Yesterday I loaded the accompaniment tracks into Garage band and got set-up to do some Vocal recordings, which I did. But figuring out the polishing and editing aspects of working with Garage Band has me stumped. (Old dog trying to learn new tricks)
I haven't learned enough yet about all that Garage Band can do. So far, I am stuck at trying to quickly get up to speed with the new lingo. And then after most of the day doing prep work, I found that my upper body and neck were all tied up in knots. And the stress was hurting the quality of my singing. I was not happy with any of my recordings. They just made me think of how past my prime I am.
So, I figured I'd start again today to try to get some better recordings. Too bad those birds kept me from getting enough sleep and rest!
(I will blame it all on the birds!)
Here's one of the Herald Trumpet fanfares for "The Frog Prince." It's kind of like the Dawn Chorus.