In Chinese culture, Chinese New Year, and Lunar New Year have the same meaning, although the former is still the preferred term. That is because Chinese New Year goes beyond the commonly-known animal zodiac system and incorporates other cultural and religious elements from ancient Chinese culture. It is the most important Festival in Chinese culture.
When my youngest children were very young, we were given a book titled "The Empty Pot" by the artist Demi. One of our friends kept talking about how that book would make a good Children's Theater production. Finally, I decided that indeed that ancient Chinese folktale would make a good musical and I could make that happen.
In a year's time, at the Spring Festival, the children come before the Emperor with their flowers. Only one boy brings an empty pot to present to the Emperor. In exasperation, the old Emperor divulges how he doesn't know where the children got their flowering plants because all the seeds he gave out were poisoned. Only one boy had the integrity to bring his empty pot. That boy is declared the new Emperor.