Songs from Stone Soup
"Over Yonder" is sung by the entire cast as they open the show telling about settling in the wide frontier.
"Sleepy Village" is sung by the cast who introduce the audience to history of their town.
"Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!" is sung by the Villagers, Schoolgirls and Cowboys explaining to the audience how their shelves are nearly bare and they can't afford to share with any Travelers who might happen by.
"The Hungry Traveler" is sung by the Villagers, Schoolgirls and Cowboys when they see the Traveler a-comin' down the road.
"Stone Soup" is sung by the Traveler as he tries to entice the Villagers out of their houses to make a meal they can all share together.
"Cooperation" is sung by everyone as they realize the magic of working together.
Full List of Songs and incidental music 01.Overture, 02.Over Yonder (13.Play-Off), 03.Sleepy Village, 04.Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!, 05.The Hungry Traveler, 06A, 06B, and 07.Stone Soup, 08.Happy Dance, 09.Cooperation, 10.Stone Soup Reprise, 11.Cooperation Bows, 12.Exit Music