Songs from
"Long, Long Ago" is sung by Aesop and his class of students as he begins to tell his fable.
"Take Care, Beware" is sung by the citizens who try to impress upon the Boy how to watch for the Wolf as he tends the sheep.
"The Little Lambs' Pastorale" is sung by the sheep as they are guided to graze by the Boy.
"Being Sincere" is sung by the Mother as tries to impress upon the Boy to do what he should.
"Foolish Boy" is sung by the famers and villagers when the Boy trick's have gone too far.
"Now I Realize" is sung by a remorseful Boy when he realizes he cannot save the sheep from the Wolf.
"Ev'rybody Works" is sung by the entire cast as they explain to the Boy that everybody has a job to do and that each job is important and valued.
Full List of Songs
Overture (Greek Scarf Dance), Long Long Ago , Into the Fable, Take Care, Beware!, Little Lamb's Pastorale, Going Home, Being Sincere, The Sheepish Soccer Game, Everybody Works, The Thieving Wolf Ballet, Foolish Boy, Now I Realize, Out of the Fable, Being Sincere Reprise, Everybody Works Finale, Exit Music, Play-Off