I went home and told my mother all about the music, oh yes, and about the show, too. I even sang the songs to her. My aunts were visiting us at that time and just happened to have their reel to reel tape recorder set up. My mother hopped to the piano and accompanied me singing all the songs I remembered from the movie. We have listened to that recording since then and marvel that the songs from "Mary Poppins" would strike a young child so powerfully that she could remember the words and music so perfectly just from seeing the movie once. Even more remarkable was my mother's ability to accompany the songs without hearing them before at all.

As a songwriter of Children's Theater material, I hope to fulfill that same goal. My aim is to create songs that make the children smile and go out of the theater singing! The songs need not be sophisticated or complex or even great art. They do need, however, to resonate with joy and love and fun. It helps, too, if they are CATCHY and SHORT! Believe me, there is nothing quite so fulfilling as to hear the audience go out of the theater humming or whistling your happy tunes!