"The Tale of the City Mouse and the Country Mouse" is such a fun show. It can be done in either a short version (mini-musical 15 minutes) or a more filled out version (30 minutes). The mini-package includes a script, vocal/piano score, lesson plans, and accompaniment mp3s. It is fairly uncomplicated to mount, even in a classroom or club situation, because it only has 2 production numbers that everyone sings together. This version is best for younger actors (5-9 year olds).
"I Love the City Life" 2-Part is begun by the City Mouse who tries to convince her cousin the Country Mouse about how wonderful life in the city can be.
"A Country Mouse" begins when the Country Mouse decides that being back home in the country is best.

As is the case with a lot of performing situations, the girls usually outnumber the boys. This mini-musical is great for cases like this. Both lead characters are girls!
The expanded version "The Country Mouse and the City Mouse" has more songs, more characters, and more for them to do. Once I had a small club group of 10-12 year olds --- mostly girls. I reworked this show to showcase the special talents of my actresses. So, some new songs were added that quickly became favorites, as well as some incidental and chase music.
"What is It Like?" - for the Country Mouse and her family
"As the French Say" - for the City Mouse, her French Maid, and the Country Mouse (and City neighbors)
"You Can Learn a Lot" - Opener and Finale
Such a fun show. I am so glad it will be performed in the near future.