I have been thinking about uncertainties of life. One day, things are going along just fine. Everybody is healthy. Bills are paid. The weather is nice. The calendar is being filled up with interesting projects and activities. Plans are being made for future travels. And then....trouble. Suddenly the trajectory you thought you were on changes and you don't have a clue where you might be headed.
Time for learning another life lesson. Time for growth in a different way. Time to learn and experience things you never contemplated needing to know. Time to learn patience. Time to hold fast to your faith and trust your Father in Heaven.
Though this situation is not fun, we have been immeasurably blessed. So many people have come to our aid and support. Our family has become even closer as we talk and pray together daily. Hearts have become knit together as we reach out in love to each other. No matter what happens, we are blessed.