This fall, I had contractors start a project to renovate my basement. (It is a slow process.) We had to completely remove everything from the downstairs. All that stuff is currently in my dining room, music room, and garage. Also, my daughter's family moved in temporarily with me until they get their housing situated in New York where her husband's new job is located. All their stuff had to fit in somewhere. So, the places to decorate are much fewer this year.
I guess we will just set up the Christmas tree and hang the stockings. Without a doubt, we will be attending concerts and singing Christmas songs. That can be done without getting out a lot of boxes. Don't know if I can convince some of the grandkids to hang the lights outside this year. Here's to hoping that happens.

So, soon, through our collaborative efforts, we'll have a movie of the picture book "Johnny in the Moon" posted on my YouTube Channel.
Incidently, links and information about how to get the rights to perform the Wind Quintet music for "Johnny in the Moon" will be posted along with other information on how to order a copy of the children's picture book.
Looking forward to a very merry Christmas this year!