The show I had chosen was written last year (2016) for a cast of young actors ranging in ages from 9-12. I knew I had parts that could work for younger children, so I stated that my age limits would be for 6-12 year olds. As the enrollments started coming in, I learned that the younger siblings of previous participants were so disappointed. They told their mothers that they had been "waiting their whole lives for this!" In fact, some mothers told me that they would not be able to send their older child if the younger sibling couldn't come, too. What was I to do? In order to get enough older kids to fill the lead roles, I needed to open the enrollment to the five year old siblings as well.
My next thought was to limit the size of the cast. I happen to know that 30 children fill up my back patio stage to capacity. So, I thought I would cap enrollment at 30 participants. But, in order to get the older kids I needed, I ended up with 43 kids in the show.
Fortunately, the show came together and the performance was well enjoyed by the audience. They even sang along when encouraged!