While visiting with an older lady in the neighborhood several years ago, she related her story as a child of living through the fears associated with World War II. Her story inspired me to write this play.
She said that she lived near San Francisco near the Air Force Base. Her house was directly under the flight lanes of the big cargo planes coming and going from the base. She also heard the extremely loud warning sirens a lot. As a little girl, these things gave her great anxieties.
Anxieties such as hers were common among the other children in her class at school. She told me that her teacher often read the story of Chicken Licken to the class. The teacher wanted the students to learn that mis-understanding often leads to assumptions that can cause fears. But getting the facts and learning to understand them can help ease fears. Knowledge is power.
"The Tale of Chicken Licken" is all about how one foolish fear grew all out of proportion. It even caused the demise of those foolish birds who were caught up in the mania. This show portrays a cautionary "tale within a tale." The hope is to help the barnyard fowl to not fall into the same trap that previous birds did.
Despite the message about fears, the songs are upbeat and fun. The costumes are, too. It is a very enjoyable show!