That made me start inquiring to find out why the girls who usually signed up were not registering. Come to find out, our Stake Young Women's Camp was one of those weeks. I thought I had remembered that YW Camp was always the 2nd week of June. But this year, it is the first week of June.
Then, I drew up what I thought was a schedule that should work for most of those families. I added a third week of camp and divided up the students into two divisions. The Older kids would come the first week, the Younger kids would come the second week, and the Everybody would come the third week. The Performance would be on Saturday of the third week.
Unfortunately, that schedule caused more problems for the people who had already signed up. Many families had vacations, or Youth Activity trips, or other situations that would affect their children's participation. So, again, I did some investigating. I used this information to develop yet another Camp Schedule.
So we are scheduling the Older students from May 28-June1 and June 3 to come to Camp. Then the Younger students from June 1, and June 3-7. Then EVERYONE from June 8, and June 10-12. Sometimes the days overlap, and sometimes the groups meet separately. This might be very good for all of us because I could work more individually with each age group.
The Performance would then be on Wednesday June 12 at 6:00 pm. Hopefully this will fit the schedules of the largest amount of families that have already signed up. Wish us luck!