The stage had adequate space, good lighting, a nice procenium curtain, large stairs in the front for use as choir risers, but it had some major problems.
1) There was absolutely no space to the sides or back to hold performers or sets or props or anything.
2) The black hanging drapes were hung in such a way as to block any entrances for the performers to get onto the stage.
3) The only feasible ways to move large masses of performers onto the front of the stage (via the risers) was from the hallway doors into the gym which, incidentally, were the only exits for the public as well.
4) There were no costume changing places, no holding tanks for the performers, and no place for a props table except out in the main hallway in full view of the public. Obviously, whoever designed this stage did not intend to use it for dramatic performances.
Why would it makes sense to build a stage with no way for the performers to get onto it? Don't they know that a good performance is all about the stage?