I thought it was interesting that one of the main tools the teachers used for helping children read body language and understand facial expressions was to have them watch segments of Soap Operas and Situation Comedies. A clip was shown and played without sound, and the children were to watch the actors' body language and facial expressions. They were to explain the actions and emotions the actors portrayed and make predictions of what would happen next.
Some of the situations were very basic such as predicting when people were HAPPY or SAD or ANGRY or PLEASED. Other situations were more difficult to predict such as when the actors were portraying CONFUSION in making a decision, or being IRRITATED when someone makes them feel uncomfortable, or being BRAVE in a tough situation, or trying to give COMFORT to someone.
Many of these children had trouble understanding how one's own actions affect other people. Watching these video clips really helped the children learn to understand the cause and effect of human EMOTIONS and body language.