It made me wonder if I could pick the brains of the musicians to get their ideas of how to make some magical sound effects for my Children's Theater show "The Frog Prince." Their brainstorming ideas were everything from complicated to comical.
I also need to have a "POOF" sound for when the prince is changed into a frog --- and back again. Here are some of the suggestions:
1. Wind chimes rustling with a finish by a Chinese gong
2. Harp arpeggios and suspended cymbal roll with a finish by a bass drum and cymbal crash
3. Several flutes playing low very airy notes followed by gong
4. Use a synthesizer to create some weird sound
Then this, "Have someone shake a thin sheet of metal." To this I asked, "Where does one get a thin sheet of metal?" Answer, "I don't know. We always just had stuff like that hanging around at our house."
Preferably, I would like to have the magical "poof" sound produced live during the show. I also cannot have an entire percussion section come play the sound. As much as I'd like to own a Chinese gong, it is too expensive. And my synthesizer died a few years ago. However, I may follow up trying to find a thin sheet of metal. That suggestion actually sounds promising.
I welcome other inexpensive suggestions...