So what sounds more like running a foot race than a pianist practicing his scales all over the piano at lightning speed? This song starts off with the Ducks in a huddle, tail feathers all a-wiggling. Then they BREAK and start the chant:
5K, 10K or training for the Big Relay.
Biath-a-lon, Triath-a-lon, or what the heck, a Marathon!
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - Go_______Ducks!
After a bit of stretching, they sing:
Off to the Races, we're off to the Races!
We'll go through our paces. Our Race is today!
Off to the Races, we're off to the Races!
We'll go through our paces. Our Race is today!
That is really all they sing, just repeated a few times. Perhaps that is why the children seem to like it so much. I had no idea that this little song that came about through a burst of inspiration in a time of desperation could possibly be a hit. I just had to hurriedly finish it before the camp started a couple of days later.
It is an awesome feeling to have created a fun song that the children tell me keeps going round and round in their heads. Good! Then I'm not alone!