Our enterprising PTA president approached me with an idea. She said that we could still put on a Holiday Concert with the kids as long as we rehearsed it after school with volunteer help. She thought that there might be 25-30 kids that would show up for rehearsals, and she assured me that it would be no trouble at all.
NO TROUBLE AT ALL?!?!?!?!?!?!
Fortunately, the kids and their parents were so grateful to have some kind of music in their school, that we literally had no problems getting lots of support. For the next few years (that I directed the program), the excitement only grew. I think there were 350+ kids in the later shows.
We always wrote our own scripts and found or wrote our own music. Some of the themes we used were "Holiday Harmony" (featuring standard holiday songs from around the world), "Be a Santa" (featuring songs about giving), "A Specials Christmas" (featuring songs from the TV specials we loved like "Rudolph" or "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"), "Under the Christmas Tree" (featuring songs about toys coming to life under the Christmas Tree) and "The Greatest Christmas Card in the Whole Wide World" (featuring songs from the heartfelt messages in Christmas cards). In those days, we were allowed to use Christmas themes and songs.

"Holiday Harmony" and "Be a Santa" were themes I used that came from a songs Janie wrote or arranged. In those concerts we also used several of her arrangements such as "Jingle Bells" and "Christmas Alphabet."
"Under the Christmas Tree" was a theme song I wrote from one of Janie's ideas. In that show we used several of her songs like "I Want a Dolly to Wind Up," "Raggedy Ann and Andy," and "Don't Wait 'Til the Night Before Christmas to Be Good."

"Janie Thompson: The Girl from Nowhere Who Went Everywhere" is now available for purchase just in time for Christmas! This book focuses on how Janie had high standards and never compromised them. (This book will be useful to help the grandchildren learn about morals and entertaining.)
I am so lucky to have had such a wonderful influence in my life!