Very few of the 2nd-4th graders had had any previous experience. Some have been taking dance lessons, a few have had experiences singing solos before, but most had no idea about learning lines, songs, dances and how to take directions and follow their cues. They have been learning how to take care of their props, set pieces, and costumes. They have also been learning how much they have to depend on each other. All in all, this group has been a joy to work with. They have been eager to learn. Some have even been eager to help get things set up and ready. I have surely appreciated the help from those early birds.
It has been very obvious to me, that some good parenting has been taking place here. To have a group of young kids who are quite well behaved and will take directions means that they have had good training in the home. They come to school and rehearsals clean (aside from the bedraggled state of having been at school all day) and ready to work. How refreshing! We have had very few problems with kids rough-housing with each other, and even fewer problems with kids saying mean things or being cliquish.