"I loved how you took this very short story and gave it so much body! Songs, dances, a great message! The show was so enjoyable! I can even sing the songs....Everybody works, everybody's got a job to do."
"My favorite number was the "Military March." Loved watching the boys march in formation with their cool shields."
"You must have ruled over the performers with an iron hand! They looked so professional!"

"I don't know what I was expecting, but I was delightfully surprised by what I saw! This was so entertaining and fun. We usually don't expect to be entertained by going to see the grandkids' productions. But this was really great!"
"The Little Lambs stole the show! They were adorable! My little 12 month old daughter thought she was one of the Lambs. They were singing a word she could say! Baa Baa Baa!"
"The songs were great! So fun to have so many styles of music represented in one show! Loved the variety --- especially the "Set It for Posterity" number. Great fun seeing the kids erupt into 1960's dances."
"That was a great show Betsy! Thanks for sharing your talents with us! I'm so glad we get to be involved with such a great activity every year."
"Thank you from our entire family for another wonderful drama camp. My kids came home glowing every day from the confidence you helped them find."
"This is the 6th show my kids have been in. And it is the favorite!"