The performance went very well. How many small congregations can boast that they have accomplished musicians who can play "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" by J.S. Bach as a woodwind quintet? And then sing a 4-part motet in Latin a cappella as well as other varied and interesting choral pieces. The song I turned pages for was an upbeat and challenging rendition of "The Sussex Carol." My daughter also sang a lovely obligato on one of the songs. (Proud mom moment)
Anyway, back to the funny part. The week before in rehearsal, the pianist had mentioned that he needed a page turner for the last number. My daughter said, "My mom will be here. She can do it." The pianist said that he didn't feel right asking a guest to turn pages. "Oh, she'll just volunteer anyway."
Did my daughter peg me or what? It happened just as she predicted. Mom's are like that, I guess. They want to make sure their favorite people get the support they need. Besides, musicians feel best when they are involved in the music. I love this season of concert-going --- especially when I can get in on the fun!