Another twist has been figuring and re-figuring how to do the magical effects. In the story, "Parizade's Quest" is to obtain the three wonderful things: a Fountain of Golden Water, a Singing Tree, and a Speaking Bird. So, just how do you create a fountain of golden bubbling water, a tree with moving branches of shimmering "musical" leaves, and a bird (played by a human) in a glittering cage?
So, I think I have figured out how to create the Speaking Bird's cage out of very lightweight tubing from the plumbing department at the hardware store. It is the same kind of plastic tubing that hula hoops are made of. Once spray painted with gold sparkles, it ought to work.
The Golden Fountain will just have to be a painted cardboard cut-out, I'm afraid. We cannot afford the space to bring on stage a heavy cement garden fountain and we certainly cannot have real water! Not with elementary kids! I am thinking that the bubbling might be accomplished through some kind of puppetry, though.
And as for the Singing Tree... that might be created as a "flat" with bas relief trunk and hanging shimmering leaves with concealed mini wind chimes attached to strings. We might then have a puppeteer pull the strings from behind to work the action of making the branches of leaves shimmer and the chimes tinkle in the wind.
Another twist -- a terrific, happy discovery -- has been a young sixth grade student artist who has volunteered to design and paint the back ground scenes. She has already come up with some beautiful designs and is anxious to get to work. Happy happenstances like this make my worries and time all worth the effort!
Here's to expecting the Unexpected! Way to go, Ceilidh!