Well, there are some built-in problems with doing a Princess show. At least, Princess stories that are already popular.
The number one problem is that they are love stories. Doing anything that even remotely resembles a love story is a bad idea for 5-12 year olds!
The number three problem is that most of the popular Princess stories have very few characters ---AND USUALLY ONLY ONE PART FOR ONE GIRL TO BE THE PRINCESS.
In my summer camps, I have to find a vehicle that has good parts for at least 20 "princesses" and great (preferably action-hero-type) parts for at least 10 boys.
But this year may be the year. I think I have stumbled upon an idea that can accommodate my 20+ girls who would ALL like to be princesses, has no love story, and has some action stuff to recruit the boys. Of course, this show is not written yet, so I don't want to advertise too much about it.
I'm still just starting to outline the action and scenes and sort out ideas to write the songs and dialogue. It's too soon to know what direction these early ideas will go. But I'm committed now because my little granddaughter is expecting her princess musical!