Sometimes the trainer will set up trust exercises to help build teamwork. Learning to COOPERATE as a team is as important in small companies as well as in the larger corporate world.
Working with children to get them to learn how to cooperate and work together can be quite a challenge. Young children can be impulsive and self centered. They need to have experiences to help them look beyond themselves to the needs of others. There are many ways to help children learn to cooperate -- team sports, group projects at school, chores around the house -- and of course, CHILDREN'S THEATER.
Doing plays and musicals that are engaging and fun can be a wonderful way for children to learn to do their part and work as a team and understand that people are counting on them. They can learn that when each person says their line, or sings their part, or dances in their place on the stage they are COOPERATING to create a wonderful performance. Their efforts can delight the audience and bring the satisfaction of a job well done.
The story of Stone Soup is all about COOPERATION. When the traveler comes through the town, the villagers at first refuse to offer him a meal. He goes from house to house getting the same reaction: "Oh, go away! We don't have enough for ourselves. Why would we share with a complete stranger." But then he comes up with an idea that helps the villagers understand that if they pool their resources they can all be better off.
And as it says in the song:
"Working together helps one and all.
It can make the hardest job seem quite small.
Cooperation is the key,
The key to getting things done."