Never Cry Wolf is a show that I have done many times with many more cast members than 50. And I already have enough costumes and props. The only worry is that I hope they will all fit on my limited stage. Fortunately, until the Bows they do not all need to be on the stage at the same time.
The two main ideas of this show are the Character Values of SINCERITY and WORK. Everyone knows the Aesop Fable "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" and how the contrary boy finds out that "no one will believe you unless you always tell the truth." That is the meaning of Sincerity.
But as I was thinking how to expand the telling of this tale, I wondered just how the contrary boy got the job of tending the sheep. Then I wondered about the other kinds of jobs and work people did in Ancient Greece. Seemed entirely reasonable to fill out the story to show the many types of WORK people did back then, because, of course, EVERYBODY WORKS!
In my research, I found that men were fathers, and farmers, and artisans, and politicians and many other occupations. And women did many kinds of work, too. They were mothers, and cooks, and housewives, but many learned to SPIN WOOL INTO CLOTH, they also embroidered it and sold their wares in the market place. That was a perfect tie in to the boy who looked after the sheep.
Of course, no children's musical Fable would be complete without message songs. These songs are "Everybody Works" and "Being Sincere." Those two songs are reprised during the Bows with everyone on the stage. Sometimes we even encourage the audience to sing along. It's important to go home with the most important messages stuck in your brain!